How Fluctuating Interest Rates Affect The Insurance Sector - Trendy Topics


Sunday 10 October 2021

How Fluctuating Interest Rates Affect The Insurance Sector

Nothing good has ever come out of fluctuating interest rates — in the long run. They can harm the insurance sector, and this in turn has consequences for the homeowners. It’s important to understand how fluctuations might harm you and have backup plans in place to avoid the negative side-effects that might come as a consequence.

What are fluctuating interest rates in the insurance sector?

Interest rates are costly and go up and down. They fluctuate. They follow the ebb and flow on the market and any sweeping change in it impacts the interest rates. They are a determining factor when it comes to a company’s overall profitability.

When interest rates rise, the value of a bond or a fixed investment will decline. This change is called duration and it’s critical to interest rate risk and how a company assesses its profits and margins.

Insurance companies have a substantial investment in interest-sensitive assets — things like bonds, ETFs, stocks, and other interest-rate-sensitive products for their customers.

Well, why does this affect my insurance?

Insurance companies make money in two ways:

  • Charging their client’s premiums in exchange for their products and services — your insurance coverage.
  • Taking that premium and reinvesting in other interest-generating assets and products.

Why do insurance companies need to invest your premiums?

Insurance companies have incredible overhead. They have huge administrative and legal costs — and, when claims come in they have incredible expenses. That means they have a lot of revenue that comes in and even more that goes out.

Take for example a company that writes too much hurricane insurance or earthquake insurance or any sort of natural disaster insurance available. They wrote up a huge amount of contracts based on models that displayed low chances. Then, BOOM, out of nowhere the unthinkable happens. At the drop of a hat, they have to pay out HUGE claims in one given region — scenario added to their monthly administrative cost and the median of claims they have to respond to any given period.

This translates to the fact that the company needs a model that is solvent and can avoid defaults on payments.

Premiums, no matter how much and the insurance company is charging you, don’t amount to the total amount of your home’s cost.

Hence this is the reason why insurance companies, although it may seem a bit odd and even immoral, use your cash to bet and play the stock market — because it is the only way they can keep afloat. Not only that, but the system encourages this practice. Why? Because insurance companies move a great deal of the market, they infuse the economy with huge amounts of capital.

The rollercoaster that is interest rates

If the market fluctuates the insurance company suffers — particularly if it fluctuates TOO much. They not only lose out on investments and investment opportunities but on profitability due to their assets that might be interest-sensitive.

For example:

Let’s say you bought a bond at a 3% interest rate for ten years. If the interest rates skyrocket to 5% or 10% the company panics. Not only have they lost out but now they have an asset that costs more and is harder to sell.

And what if the other scenario happens? 3% drops to 2%? Well, if the company locked the price, now they want to shoot themselves because not only could they have bought the asset cheaper but now, they will have to sell it at 2% and cut their losses.

How does the interest rate affect our homeowner’s policies?

Future Obligations

A drop in interest rates can reduce a company’s liabilities by legally decreasing its obligations to policyholders.

In other words, due to various judicial landmines and legal loopholes, if a company loses money they may simply tell you when you file a claim, “we can’t pay that.” And here’s the clincher, your contract allows them to. Why? Because it permits them to invest your premiums and you’re held at risk for said investments.


When the country is beset by lower interest rates and the company may end up having less income — people will start to neglect their policies, they will have fewer sales. This will have an impact on the company because they now have less money to invest — and less cash to meet their obligations. For more information on interest rates and homeowner’s policies visit

Risk Assessment

If analysts believe that a company has difficulty meeting its financial obligation they will negatively mark that conglomerate risk profile.

How to avoid the negative effects of fluctuating interest rates?

You really can’t. You can’t avoid the market and how it operates — it is free and independent. What you can do is always have a nest egg or emergency cash on hand in case something happens. Using a homeowners’ deductible funding app with no fluctuating interest rates is one of the smartest solutions to avoid the negative effects of interest rate changes.

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