How To Survive Snow Season In Overland Park - Trendy Topics


Saturday 15 May 2021

How To Survive Snow Season In Overland Park

Overland Park is known for its intense and freezing winters that span several months. Whether you’re visiting the city for the first time or have been a native, you’d know that surviving the harsh winter months in Overland Park isn’t a cakewalk.

In fact, the city’s residents were greeted with rain, snow, and sleet right at the onset of 2021. It all started with a severe snowstorm that affected parts of Kansas City as well. The worst part was that as many as 11,000 residents in Overland Park, Kansas City, and Sweet Springs experienced power outages due to the storm.

Also, the latest weather forecast for Overland Park indicates that the temperature could drop as low as -27°C in the coming weeks. There’s even a high chance of precipitation, including rain and snowfall.

So, how can you stay warm and fit despite the ice-cold winter season in Overland Park? In this blog, we’ll discuss a few useful techniques to help you pull through the dreadful Overland Park winters. Let’s get started.

1. Stay Active

The temptation to stay curled up in your bed gets all the more irresistible on a snowy winter morning. But the longer you stay in bed, the more difficult it’s going to be to overcome the lethargy and get started with your day.

That’s why it is always a good idea to remain active despite the drop in mercury levels. Even if you can’t carry on with your usual run or jog in the park, try developing a simple exercise routine at home. From yoga and pilates to aerobics and free-hand exercises – there are plenty of options.

The key is to engage in some form of exercise to energize your body and promote blood circulation. Also, it increases the release of dopamine and serotonin in your brain. Both these neurotransmitters promote your overall mood and can help you overcome the dullness and depression of gloomy winter days.

Even if you aren’t in the mood for exercise, try doing household chores, such as mopping the floor, organizing your closet, or folding the laundry. While it may not motivate you as much as proper exercise, it’ll still help you feel accomplished at the end of the day.

2. Stay Away from Alcohol

Most people will claim that a glass or two of wine will keep you warm on an ice-cold winter night. While alcohol might make you feel warm for a while, in reality, it lowers your body’s core temperature.

This is because alcohol dilates the blood vessels in your skin, thereby causing a rush of blood flow to the superficial layer of the skin. This, in turn, pulls heat away from the internal organs and eventually cools your body.

So, instead of gulping a drink or two, try sipping some hot and soothing beverages, such as chamomile tea and mulled cider. Apart from keeping you warm, these beverages also offer a wide array of health benefits, including improved metabolism and immunity.

3. Prepare for Snow Removal

Nothing resembles the pages of a fairytale quite like a piece of land enveloped by now. That is until the reality of snow removal hits you. While snowfall is one of the most pleasant winter experiences, the ensuing process of snow and debris removal is painstaking.

That’s why you need to be prepared even before the onset of the snow season. You could always outsource the job to a professional snow removal service. But that’s going to be expensive. If you’d like to save a few dollars, try investing in a pair of high-quality shovels.

Alternatively, you could consider installing a snow blower to ease the load of shoveling the snow. Make sure you follow the basic safety tips while using a shovel and regularly remove the snow to prevent it from freezing and sticking to the ground.

4. Layer Up

Of course, you’ve kept your jackets, sweaters, ponchos, et al handy as soon as you started noticing the nip in the air. However, make sure you avoid the mistake of wearing a single piece of heavy warm clothing, such as a padded jacket or blazer.

Instead, layer your attire with multiple pieces of winter wear. Start by wearing thermal inners to keep your body warm. Next, build it up with other layers of jackets and sweaters made using wool, fleece, or silk. These layers help trap warm air, thus insulating your body from the cold.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to invest in a pair of woolen gloves and fuzzy socks. Make sure you keep the socks on even when you’re staying indoors. It can go a long way to keep your body warm.

Have you used any other snow season survival hacks? Share your suggestions in the comments section below.

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