Everyone wants to succeed in college, whether you’re headed there fresh out of high school or you haven’t seen the inside of a classroom in years and you’re finally returning. Everyone has some trepidation as they start college as well. You might be wondering if you can keep up with the workload, if you’ll make friends and if you’ll make the right choices about your major. College offers a unique experience to everyone who attends, but fortunately, there are some tips that anyone can follow to increase the likelihood that this will be a fruitful few years.
Set Goals
You can’t know how you will succeed if you don’t have any sense of what success looks like in the first place, so your first step should be to set realistic goals. They should be concrete and specific. Maybe you want to get good grades, but what does good grades mean? Do you want an ‘A’ in all your classes? If so, make this your goal. Make sure your aims are measurable as well. Look at the intermediate steps you will need to take to get to your goals, and reward yourself along the way.
Be Proactive
Success means taking matters into your own hands. This means making time to get to know your professors, visiting them during their office hours, and pushing yourself to get involved in extracurricular activities. Find out which classes are best suited to your eventual career plans, and don’t hesitate to drop a class within the allowed window if you can tell it isn’t going to work for you. Remember that no one is going to be as invested in your education as you are, so you are your own best advocate.
Take Care of Yourself
Self-care is important. This means everything from getting enough rest and adequate nutrition to paying attention to your mental health. You can review a guide on the seven tips for managing college student depression, which is a real problem on many campuses. Find out what kind of resources your school offers to help you maintain your health. More and more schools are offering telehealth options, which can allow you to access services more quickly and conveniently than you might be able to if you had to make an appointment and go in to see a medical professional.
Be Organized
Unless it comes naturally, being organized really isn’t easy, but it beats the alternative. Organization will make study time more effective because you’ll already know where your notes and other necessary materials are. You’ll also have more time to study because time management is an important element of organization. In addition, you should keep your finances organized so that you always know how much money you have and what you can spend. None of this comes easily for most people, so you may want to look for some articles and apps that can help you. Your school might have resources that can help you improve in all of these areas as well.
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