Become A Real YouTuber: Is It Possible To Make A Living By Blogging? - Trendy Topics


Thursday 4 February 2021

Become A Real YouTuber: Is It Possible To Make A Living By Blogging?

When some people hear the word “blogging,” they think about an individual who runs a website that has a blog on it. Maybe they’ve monetized that blog in some way.

The other possibility is an eCommerce business model website that happens to have a blog on it. The company might post a new blog every week or so talking about industry-specific topics.

What many people don’t realize, though, is that “blogging” is a more overarching term than that. It also includes some social media forms and platforms, such as YouTube. If you post regular YouTube content, that also makes you a blogger of sorts.

The real question that some people have is whether you might actually make a living as a YouTube blogger. It’s an attractive concept: you might make videos about a subject you’re passionate about, and perhaps individuals or entities will even pay you to do so.

Is this concept realistic at all? Keep reading, and we’ll explore whether this is something you might actually be able to do.

How You Can Monetize Your YouTube Blogging

The short answer to the query of whether you might make money through YouTube is that yes, absolutely you can. However, just because you can make some cash through this avenue, it does not immediately follow that you can make your living through this social media platform alone.

If you plan on making a living strictly through your YouTube videos, you have to be the unquestioned best of the best at what you do. In other words, your video content has to be so popular that millions of people view it and interact with it.

That’s how you monetize: you come out with content that’s so popular that companies will want to advertise with you and sponsor each of your video offerings. They know that if they associate with you, it could mean a huge sales boost for them as well.

 What YouTube Interactions Do Advertisers Want to See?

If you want to find mainstream success on this platform, there are a few metrics where you need to beef up your numbers. They include:

  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Followers
  • Shares

Comments are what people say about your videos. If people leave them often, that means the public finds your content compelling, and they want to start a conversation about it.

You need likes because they signal that people appreciate your videos. It’s simple math: the more likes you have, the more advertisers will understand that you’ve come up with a winning video formula.

If you have more followers, that’s proof people like your stuff so much that they can hardly wait for the next video you put out. They want to be the first to see it, to the point where they’ve signed up with you.

Shares with other social media platforms indicate that people want to share your content with their friends and family because it impresses them so much. This is yet another metric that matters if you hope to snag some interested advertisers or other financial backers.

How Can You Increase All of These Metrics?

One way that you can capture some more likes, comments, shares, and followers is to buy them. You can get them for cheap, as well. Some YouTube users don’t necessarily realize this is an option, but it is.

There are online companies that will sell you packages of comments, likes, shares, etc. They don’t cost all that much, and there’s nothing fishy about this practice. Tons of companies and influencers do it because they’re trying to gain video prominence in a crowded marketplace.

There’s nothing wrong with using this method. However, there are two things that you must keep in mind:

  • Buying these packages does cost money, so you need to have a marketing budget for this to be a viable option.
  • At some point, you also need to generate organic engagement, or else you probably won’t get the notoriety within your niche that you desire.

Because of this, it would be accurate to say that buying engagement is not a bad idea, but you can’t rely on that method alone. It’s better to use this as a supplemental numbers booster.

How Else Can You Generate Highly-Rated Videos?

Highly rated videos

When your numbers go up, YouTube will keep your videos at the top of the search engine rankings. You need this because if no one is commenting on your videos, liking them, and so forth, each new video you put out will sink like a stone to the bottom of the search engine results for your niche.

One way you can generate popular videos is to use optimization methods. That involves SEO, or search engine optimization. There are articles you can read about that all over the internet, or there are even books that SEO gurus have published over the past few years.

Essentially, optimizing means using keywords and keyword phrases in strategic places where your videos are involved. If you’re making videos about home repairs, for example, like DIY projects, you might use keywords like “DIY,” “home repairs,” etc.

You would put those keywords and keyword phrases in the video titles and descriptions. That’s a way for you to get your videos listed high up in the search rankings whenever someone hops on YouTube and starts looking for content within your niche.

You Can Also Create Amazing Content

Aside from buying yourself some positive YouTube metrics and using SEO strategies, the one other thing you can do to be positive you’ll get the social media love you deserve is to create videos that aren’t like anything anyone has seen before.

That’s definitely easier said than done. If you hop on YouTube, there are millions of videos, seemingly on every conceivable topic. It might seem at the beginning like everything has been done before, and originality is impossible.

It’s not impossible, but it is challenging. If it were easy, every single person would be a YouTube millionaire.

You need to brainstorm, either by yourself or with whoever makes the videos with you. You might present completely unique subject matter, or else you need to present familiar subject matter in a new way.

If just one of the videos you produce goes viral, that can be the start of untold wealth for you from this platform. Every social media sensation, regardless of their chosen platform, started with a single tweet, a single post, just one image, or just one video. That got them started, and then they were on a rocket ride to the stars.

Think about what videos are likely to go viral. Maybe you’re going for cute, like with animals or babies. Perhaps you want to dazzle your audience with information they can’t find anywhere else. Maybe you’re trying for mind-blowing production values, or you’re spilling potentially world-changing secrets.

Whatever you figure out, know that there are YouTube video bloggers who make a solid living this way, so it definitely is possible. You have to be beyond tenacious to make it happen, though, and you’re always fighting against all the other content creators who have the same idea.

You might start by using YouTube as one of several revenue streams, but in time, you could make a go of it through your videos alone. Then, you’ll truly be living the dream.

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